Two-Size System

One-size diapers are extremely popular.  They offer the parent an adjustable option without the need to purchase multiple diapers.  The problem is that they often miss the newborn phase.  Many one-size diapers simply do not fit teeny tiny babies properly.  That leaves the parent with a dilemma - disposables or expensive newborn cloth diapers.

Several companies, including Bubbleworks, offer two sizes for baby.  Size one will likely fit babies about 6-18 pounds.  That is a HUGE advantage over newborn diapers that often stop fitting at 10-12 pounds. 

During the early weeks, just the outer of the fitteds can be used.  When baby needs more absorbency, try adding a cloth wipe.  This eliminates the usual bulkiness of newborn cloth diapering.  As baby grows, add the insert.

Bulky diapers can be extremely frustrating to both new and experienced cloth diaperers.  Two size diapers make clothing fit much better.

My 20 pound, chunky-legged son can still fit in size 1 diapers. I could still close the diaper with one pin or Boingo, but you can tell that the fit is not optimal.  

He belongs in size 2 which fits babies about 18-35 pounds. Again, the wings technically still close with one pin or Boingo but not very well.  That is one indication that it is time to size up.  Another would be the need for increased absorbency.  The extra inches in size 2 diapers really do make a difference.

What about families on a budget?  Could you make do with all size 2 diapers?  If you were willing to live with the bulk and a less than perfect fit, yes.  However, I would recommend buying more soakers and covers to use as an All in Two (AI2)/Hybrid diaper and still buy both sizes of soakers.  I would add just a few pockets and fitteds to complement the soakers.  Covers are really easy to hand wash if they get dirty!

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